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FREE Workshop - Creating a Remarkable Brand | Arts and Culture Network


Organiser: Mark Walmsley at The Arts and Culture Network

Type of Event: Workshop and Networking Event on ZOOM

Date and Time: 20-Apr-2024 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Event Details:

Join me for a 20-minute practical workshop on how to create a personal or business brand that is perceived as different, better, and remarkable, so that it is noticed, remembered and talked about.

We will be random speed networking before and after the event and the after party for open networking is where much of the magic happens.

"Mark, the Arts and Culture Network is FANTASTIC!! The monthly zoom networking events far exceeded my expectations. I have met many wonderful new people, with whom I have since collaborated. It's opened many doors for me, which has been a huge benefit. Many thanks!" (Lauren Grierson).

My background is in branding, marketing, and business development. I've helped countless individuals, start ups, and businesses both large and small, to explore, capture, and communicate what makes them special. I do this via my 1:1 brand discovery workshops.

Watch some short video testimonials here.

As the renowned marketing philosopher Seth Godin wrote, "Today, if you aren't different, you're invisible."

We are bombarded every day with marketing messages. 5,000 is a conservative estimate and most are very similar.

Whether you are freelance, a small organisation owner/manager, or the person responsible for the success of a large one, without a differentiating and identifying characteristic you are likely to be overlooked as are most of the other 5,000 or so messages we are exposed to every day.

In this speed workshop you will learn how to explore and capture what makes you or your business special and how to communicate that to your target audience.

And finally, you will complete this sentence for your organisation:

"I believe the world is a better place when (this is the case), so I help (these people) avoid (this pain) to achieve (this). I do that by doing (this) and I do it differently and better, by doing (this)."

You can use "We" above if yours is an organisation, and by all means try it now. I guarantee it will be better after the workshop, or your money back.

Join us as a full member for just £10 per month (or £100 per year) for supported and enhanced access to out network and my own, to grow and develop your own, your career and/or business.


Mark Walmsley FRSA AGSM

Chief Culture Vulture Arts & Culture Network

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