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Helping SME's To Find Big Contracts London | Tender Rsponse

Helping SME's To Find Big Contracts London By Tender Rsponse

Public Sector Contracts


We’re Tender Response. We offer exceptional, tailored tender writing services and grant-finding expertise to UK businesses looking to secure public sector contracts.


Tender Finder takes all of the headache out of looking for newly released contracts


The Tender Response team are specialists in bids and tenders


Comprehensive Bid Writing Support for Your Most Crucial Proposals.


Overcome Complex Grant Applications; Propel Your Business Forward.

Are you a sole trader or a senior-level decision-maker in an SME looking to expand?

We understand that personalized guidance is key to your success. Contact Tender Response today, and let our experienced team tailor a winning strategy for your specific needs. Reach out to us via email at


give us a call at 0203 9300 664.

Perhaps you’re a national franchise with plans for ambitious growth. Whatever you do, and wherever you do it, Tender Response has the experience you deserve and the skills you need.

Do You Recognise This Scenario?

There’s you, and there’s the public sector. And, we know this much is true:

There’s a great deal of work out there, and most likely, it has your name on it. There could be a match. But, there’s a gap; a significant space between what you provide and what public sector organisations need. And most likely, that distance is due to the procurement route:

  • Finding tenders that match your capabilities

  • Getting the correct information together

  • Writing the tender

  • Formatting everything correctly and then

  • Submitting them within the deadline

Impenetrable, complicated, stressful, and time-consuming. Are we right?

Do you talk yourself out of going for larger contracts?

What Areas of Business Do You Support?

In brief, all of them.

We are a team of eleven highly experienced bid professionals, and each one of us has specific sector expertise, with a broad range of sub-sectors included. Tender Response’s service delivery is high-level.Construction, IT, Marketing, Financial Services, Technology – our knowledge and experience is extensive.

Do I Need to Subscribe to Tender Finder to Use Tender Reader?

No. We’d be pleased to work with you if you find your own tender and would like us to help you respond to it.

I’m not on a procurement portal, does that matter?

The perception of the process to join a procurement framework can often seem overwhelming and daunting, especially for businesses that are new to it. However, this initial impression is frequently more intimidating than the reality of the process itself. At Tender Response, we understand these challenges and are equipped to provide the necessary guidance and support to demystify and simplify this journey.

With our expertise, we can help you navigate through the complexities of the framework application process. Our team has a deep understanding of the requirements, documentation, and procedures involved. We’re here to assist you at every step, ensuring that what initially appears complicated becomes straightforward and manageable.

21st February 2024

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the quest for operational excellence and cost optimization remains a top priority for organizations across industries.

One strategic avenue that businesses are increasingly exploring is the outsourcing of procurement functions to specialized agencies. This shift towards external procurement consultancy is driven by the desire to leverage the expertise of professionals […]

Public Sector Sales, Tenders

31st January 2024

Almost all procurements include Social Value these days and carry an attributable scoring of 5-10%. Sadly most of the work counts are still 500 words with only the occasional question reaching up to 1000 words.

Public Sector Sales, Tenders

17th January 2024

The Importance of a Modern Slavery Policy Modern slavery is a heinous crime, which can be undetected for decades. Victims suffer slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking. It can have a traumatic effect on people and leave them mentally scarred and unable to cope alone in the real world – a fear […]


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Contact Details:

20 Valley Road

Burghfield Common



Tel: 07896 909776

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