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Public Sector Tender Finder, Tender Writer in London | Tender Response

Updated: May 18

Public Sector Tender Finder, Tender Writer in London By Tender Response

Tender Finder

Finding your next tender

Subscribing to a procurement portal can be really easy, all you need is some basic business information and a verified contact email address.

Then the daily email notifications begin and it's left up to you to manage them.

Which is fine if it's just one portal - when there are 100+ different portals to choose from... it can be a full-time job keeping on top of your tender notifications.

Tender Finder takes all of the headache out of looking for newly released contracts and instead, you receive a notification at your convenience from the Tender Response team with a short list of opportunities that you may be interested in.

If you would like to register interest in a tender, we can do that on your behalf and share the tender pack with you for some 'light' reading.

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20 Valley Road

Burghfield Common



Tel: 07896 909776

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